Thursday, December 29, 2011

Obscure Carols: Noel by Brad Holmes

This carol comes from the Congo region and can be heard on the 2011 Christmas broadcast from St. Olaf College. Special thanks to Jonathan Tan at Cantus Mundi for posting this video and the translation. Below is the honors choir from the Michigan School Vocal Music Association. You can check out 2 other groups over on Jonathan's post.



Noel! Noel!
Yesu me kwisa ku zinga ti beto.
Noel! Noel!
Yesu me kwisa ku zinga ti beto

Kana nge zola ku zaba mwana,
Nge fwiti kwisa ku fukama.
Kana nge zola ku zaba mwana,
Nge fwiti kwisa ku fukama.


Noel! Noel!
Jesus has come to live with us.
Noel! Noel!
Jesus has come to live with us.

If you want to know the Child,
You have to come kneel.
If you want to know the Child,
You have to come kneel.