Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just for Fun: The "Big" Piano


How's Your LSB?

It has been around 3 years since Lutheran Service Book (LSB) first hit the pews.

Kantor Phil Magness has a good discussion going on at Fine Tuning that includes a "self-diagnostic tool."

Chime in on how it's going in your congregation in the following areas:
  • A Hymn that Is Proving to Be As Good As First Thought
  • A Hymn that Hasn't Met Expectations
  • A Hymn that Worked Surprisingly Well
  • A Hymn We Haven't Sung Yet, But Will
Read more on the post, but as a preview I chose the following for the above categories:
  • ...As Good As First Thought: 411, "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light"
  • ...Hasn't Met Expectations: 521, "Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken" (love the text, the tune is not catching on in my parish) 
  • ...Works Surprisingly Well: Nunc Dimittis (Page 211 and Hymn 937)
  • ...Haven't Sung Yet, but Will: 957, "Our Father Who Art In Heaven."