Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Multitude of Mighty Fortresses: To Be Continued...

As you may remember, this blog started with a series called "A Multitude of Mighty Fortresses," revolving around the great Reformation hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."

I had originally planned to do 4 posts, one for each stanza.  This post makes #13, and I have only gotten to lines 3 and 4 of the first stanza.

The series will pick up again sometime in the new year, possibly towards the end of Epiphany and the beginning of Lent.  The hymn is the appointed Hymn of the Day for Lent 1.

For now, let's settle in for Advent.

Introducing WorshipConcord

Here is the discription of WorshipConcord from the blog.

WorshipConcord is a resource for worship leaders, lay and ordained. It is a “go-to” place for acquiring the necessary tools to make worship choices that are good for the church. It is a safe place for asking questions, sharing resources, and discussing each other’s work in a non-threatening way.

The goal of WorshipConcord is twofold:

● to promote harmony by fostering respect between those who appreciate different worship forms, and . . .

● to equip worship leaders with the tools they need to evaluate contemporary forms for use in the local congregation.

The most recent posts feature "Chemnitz on Traditions" (so far there are 11 posts in this series) and "My Favorite Thanksgiving Hymns" (four posts in this series).

Thanks to All for Hymn's Facebook follower Micah, who also follows WorshipConcord on Facebook.  I found this blog by clicking on his icon.

You, too, can check out All for Hymn on Facebook and become a follower!

While you are there, check out WorshipConcord's Facebook page as well.

If you know of other worship or music blogs of note, please drop the link in any comment box.

Advent I: Sound of Majesty

One of the features got me hooked on Sound of Majesty was its Advent programming.  Each Sunday in Advent features readings from the historic lectionary and quotes from one of Luther's sermons for that day.

Listen live at on Sundays at 11:00 pm Central.  Alternately, you can listen to this week's broadcast here and follow along with the playlist.

Advent I: Savior of the Nations, Come

Dating back to Ambrose (340-397)and translated to German by Martin Luther, "Savior of the Nations, Come" is a wonderful way to ring in Advent and the "new year" of the church.

Not by human flesh and blood,
By the Spirit of our God,
Was the Word of God made flesh - 
Woman's offspring, pure and fresh.

For a word-for-word translation of the German text, check out the first half of this video. The translation appears in text while the organ plays the chorale.

Here's a guy just having fun with the tune. I call it "Hymn and Toccata in G-Dorian."

And this guy has fun with the tune and likes the harmonies in both Lutheran Worship and Lutheran Service Book.

For all you orchestral fans out there, this is a lovely instrumental arrangement by JS Bach. If it ain't baroque, fix it!

From Cantata 61, in German. This is not your ordinary church choir; they can do a trill in unison!

For You are the Father's Son
Who in flesh the vict'ry won.
By Your mighty pow'r make whole
All our ills of flesh and soul.

Just for Fun: Muppets take Bohemia