Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday: Washing of Feet with Deacon Dulas, Part 1

All for Hymn friend Deacon Jerry Dulas has provided the Rite of Foot-Washing that will be done at his parish.


The Rite of Foot-Washing for Maundy Thursday

The Rite of Foot-washing takes place following the sermon.

Before the service, twelve chairs, or two small benches, are placed in front of the chancel, six on a side, facing each other. Next to these is placed a small table covered with a white linen, large enough to hold a water basin, ewer, and towel.

After the sermon, the Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon, having reverenced the Altar, remove their maniples, and the Celebrant also removes his chasuble. He goes to the sedilia and waits for the Deacon and Subdeacon to direct the ones to receive the foot-washing to their places.

Twelve men, chosen from the congregation, dressed in albs and barefoot, are directed by the Deacon and Subdeacon to approach the chancel two at a time. Genuflecting to the Altar, and bowing to the Celebrant at his sedilia, they take their seats in the chairs prepared for them. Meanwhile, the choir begins to chant the Antiphons recorded below.

When all take their places, the Celebrant goes to middle of the chancel, bows to the Altar, then he goes to the table and wraps the towel around his waist. With the assistance of the Deacon and Subdeacon he washes the feet of each man in the following manner:

The Celebrant kneels before each man, then the Subdeacon lifts the right foot of the one who is to be washed. Two acolytes assist with the water basin and ewer, one places the water basin under the foot, and the other hands the ewer to the Celebrant who washes the foot. The Deacon then hands the towel to the Celebrant, who dries the foot.

When the foot-washing draws to a close, the eighth antiphon is started. If the foot washing finishes before all the antiphons are sung, the ones preceding the eighth antiphon are omitted. The eighth antiphon is always sung. If all antiphons have been sung, and the foot-washing is still going on, the antiphons are repeated from the first one, until the foot-washing completes, then the eighth antiphon concludes the rite, as stated above.

Antiphon 1, Psalm Tone 3: St. John 13:34; Psalm 119:1

A NEW || commandment I give to you, that you love | one | a- | no- - | ther; *
as I have loved you, that you also love one | a- | no- | ther. -

BLESS- ED || are the undefil- | ed | in | the - | way, *
Who walk in the law | of | the | Lord! -

A NEW || commandment I give to you, that you love | one | a- | no- - | ther; *
as I have loved you, that you also love one | a- | no- | ther. -


Antiphon 2, Psalm Tone 4:
St. John 13:4-5, 15; Psalm 48:1

AF- TER -- || supper, our Lord rose, poured water in- | to | a | ba- | sin, *
and began to wash the disciples’ feet. This ex- | am- | ple | He | left | them.

GREAT IS -- || the Lord, and greatly | to | be | prais- | ed *
In the city of our God, in | His | ho- | ly | moun- | tain.

AF- TER -- || supper, our Lord rose, poured water in- | to | a | ba- | sin, *
and began to wash the disciples’ feet. This ex- | am- | ple | He | left | them.

V: Lord, hear my prayer.
R: And let my cry come unto Thee.


Antiphon 3, Psalm Tone 2:
St. John 13:12-13, 15; Psalm 85:1

THE LORD || Jesus, after He had supped with His disciples, and washed their | feet, | - *
He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you, Your Teacher and Lord? I have given you an example, that you should do as I have | done | to | you.”

LORD, YOU || have been favorable to Your | land; | - *
You have brought back the captivity | of | Ja- | cob.

THE LORD || Jesus, after He had supped with His disciples, and washed their | feet, | - *
He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you, Your Teacher and Lord? I have given you an example, that you should do as I have | done | to | you.”


Here is the Rite of Foot-Washing in a Romanian Orthodox Church. I was unable to locate a Lutheran Rite. The video begins with the celebrant wrapping the towel around his waist.


Deacon Dulas is ordained into the pastorate and member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (  In his own words, "My call is to serve as deacon and missionary-at-large to MN and WI at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tony, WI.  We are starting a mission here in Mayer, MN, and the surrounding area called St. Matthew Ev. Luth. Mission."

Like what you are reading? Check out Deacon Dulas' blog at The Deacon's Didache.

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