Friday, December 31, 2010

On the Seventh Day of Christmas: Unto Us a Child Is Born

Jesaia, dem Propheten, das geschah,
Dass er im Geist den Herren sitzen sah
Auf einem hohen Thron, in hellem Glanz,
Seines Kleides Saum den Chor füllet ganz.
Es stunden zween Seraph bei ihm daran,
Sechs Fluegel sah er eineu jeden han;
Mit zween verbargen sie ihr Antlitz klar,
Mit zween bedeckten sie die Füsse gar,
Und mit den andern zween sie flogen frei;
Gen ander ruften sie mit grossem G’schrei:
“Heilig ist Gott, der Herre Zebaoth!
Heilig ist Gott, der Herre Zebaoth!
Heilig ist Gott, der Herre Zebaoth!
Sein’ Ehr’ die ganze Welt erfüllet hat!”
Von dem G’schrei zittert Schwell’ und Balken gar,
Das Haus auch ganz voll Rauch und Nebel war.


Isaiah, mighty seer, in days of old
The Lord of all in spirit did behold
High on a lofty throne, in splendor bright,
With flowing train that filled the temple quite.
Above the throne were stately seraphim;
Six wings had they, these messengers of Him.
With twain they veiled their faces, as was meet,
With twain in reverent awe they hid their feet,
And with the other twain aloft they soared,
One to the other called and praised the Lord:
"Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth!
Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth!
Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth!
Behold, His glory filleth all the earth!"
The beams and lintels trembled at the cry,
And clouds of smoke enwrapped the throne on high.


Praetorius: Mass for Christmas Morning
Jesaia Dem Propheten with Puer Nobis nascitur


Puer nobis nascitur
Rector angelorum;
In hoc mundo pascitur
Dominus dominorum.

In præsepe ponitur
Sub fœno asinorum.
Cognoverunt dominum
Christum regem cœlorum.

Hinc Herodes timuit -
Magno cum dolore,
Et pueros occidit,
Infantes cum livore.

Qui natus est ex Marie -
Die hodierna
Ducat nos cum gratia
Ad gaudia superna.

O et A et A et O
Cum cantibus in choro,
Cum canticis et organo,
Benedicamus domino.


Unto us a Child is born,
Christians, hear the story;
In this world our flesh is worn,
By Christ, the Lord of glory.

In a manger He is laid,
Where the kine are sleeping;
Angels recognize their Lord,
And o'er Him watch are keeping,

Haughty Herod trembles now,
Great his fear and sorrow;
Bethl'em's Infants he will slay
Before the dawn to-morrow.

Jesu, born of Virgin Maid,
In Thy visitation
Shew Thy mercy, Lord, on us,
And grand us Thy salvation.

Alpha and Omega, Thine
Be this day our chorus;
King of kings, and Lord of lords,
Now let Thy grace be o'er us.

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