Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Part 19

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Part 19

Betrachte, meine Seel,
Mit ängstlichem Vergnügen,
Mit bittrer Lust und halb beklemmtem Herzen
Dein höchstes Gut in Jesu Schmerzen,
Wie dir auf Dornen, so ihn stechen,
Die Himmelsschlüsselblumen blühn!
Du kannst viel süße Frucht
von seiner Wermut brechen
Drum sieh ohn Unterlass auf ihn!

Behold, my soul,
With anxious pleasure,
With bitter passion and half-oppressed heart,
Your highest good in Jesus' torments,
How for you the thorns that stab Him
Bloom as keys to heaven's flowers!
You can pluck much sweet fruit
From His wormwood,
Therefore look on Him unceasingly!


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Parts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Parts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18


Christus, der uns selig macht,
Kein Bös' hat begangen,
Der ward für uns in der Nacht
Als ein Dieb gefangen,
Geführt für gottlose Leut
Und fälschlich verklaget,
Verlacht, verhöhnt und verspeit,
Wie denn die Schrift saget.

Christ, who made us blessed,
has done no wrong,
He was for us in the night
Caught like a thief,
Taken before a godless mob
and falsely accused,
mocked, scorned and spit on,
Just as the Scripture says.


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Parts 10, 11, 12 and 13

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Parts 10, 11, 12 and 13


Ich, ich und meine Sünden,
Die sich wie Körnlein finden
Des Sandes an dem Meer,
Die haben dir erreget
Das Elend, das dich schläget,
Und das betrübte Marterheer.

I, I and my sins,
those which are like grains
of sand beside the sea,
These have awakened in you
the sorrow the strikes you,
And the distressing torment.


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Parts 7, 8, and 9

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Parts 7, 8, and 9


Von den Stricken meiner Sünden
Mich zu entbinden,
Wird mein Heil gebunden.
Mich von allen Lasterbeulen
Völlig zu heilen,
Läßt er sich verwunden.

From the bondage of my sins
to release me,
My Savior is bound.
From all my bulging vices
fully to save,
He lets himself be wounded.


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6


O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße,
Die dich gebracht auf diese Marterstraße
Ich lebte mit der Welt in Lust und Freuden,
Und du musst leiden.

O great love, O love beyond all measure,
Which you have brought along this path of torment,
I live in this world of lust and pleasure,
And you must suffer.


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.

Good Friday: St. John's Passion, Part 1

The Gospel reading for Good Friday is the Passion of our Lord according to St. John. JS Bach took the scripture text and incorporated hymn texts in between. Note to conductors everywhere: the hymn texts are to be sung by the congregation (or audience). The posts for St. John's Passion will run every 2 hours through 6:00 pm on Holy Saturday.

The Passion according to St. John
set to music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Part 1


Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm
In allen Landen herrlich ist!
Zeig uns durch deine Passion,
Dass du, der wahre Gottessohn,
Zu aller Zeit,
Auch in der größten Niedrigkeit,
Verherrlicht worden bist!

O Lord, our Lord, your majesty
is glorious in all the land!
Show us during your Passion
That you, the very Son of God,
Through all time,
Also in the great lowliness,
have become magnified!


For the complete text in German, click here.
For the complete text in English, click here.